Highlights description

CRESYM is a non-profit association, gathering industry players & research organisations and aiming at undertaking research actions and ultimately solving the coming challenges for the future, fast-evolving European energy system.

CRESYM aims at uniting all need-owners and solution-developers to catalyse the development of energy system modelling and simulation opensource bricks in order to meet the energy transition challenges.


Our values

CRESYM is non-profit and acts transparently for the general interest, addressing new and/or complex, low TRL, technical challenges.

CRESYM reconciles security and IPRs when developing opensource deliverables. Opensource, non-contaminating licences are key to ease the dissemination among operators, manufacturers and vendors in a fair, neutral manner.

CRESYM organises collaborative, efficient R&D works, with practical intermediary outputs. CRESYM builds up on, as well as comfort, support and promote other existing opensource initiatives.

CRESYM is committed to protect privacy and promote diversity & gender equality.


Our mission

CRESYM fosters collaborative R&D actions to deliver opensource energy system simulation tools on low-TRL R&D issues of general interest (the ‘Projects”).

CRESYM shall maintain useful technological building blocks available for all researchers & engineers (the “Assets”). As of 2024, COLib (the Collaborative Opensource Library of power system component models) and CReDIT (Common Results, Data, Information and Tools) shall start operation.

CRESYM manages thematic doctoral networks, be they supported by the EU Horizon Europe program or self-funded by CRESYM, to augment the value of our R&D actions for researchers and fosters serendipity (the “DoNets”).

