Musa Mathew (RWTH)

Highlights description

My name is Musa Mathew and I am from Nigeria. As a creative thinker, I love coming up with new ideas. In my free time, I enjoy playing football and board games. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.



Master in Control Systems and Automation Engineering, 2024, University of L’Aquila, Italy.

Bachelor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2019, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigerian


Work experience and Internships

Research Intern in ICT for Energy Laboratory University of L’Aquila, Italy from 2024 March to July 2024.

Field Services Engineer at Daystar Power Solution Nigeria, Hybrid Power Systems Operations, from January 2021 to July 2022.


Topic of Doctoral Thesis

Control interoperability assessment considering partially open converter controls

Research objectives:

To achieve Europe‘s climate goals and integrate large-scale offshore wind farms, multi-terminal DC (MTDC) networks are envisioned. The realization of such MTDC networks poses several challenges with regard to control and protection on the DC-side. At the same time, the requirements set by the AC transmis- sion networks increase: Especially, landside converters are foreseen to provide grid-forming capabilities. To fulfil these new requirements, also the control hierarchies within the MTDC networks have to change com- pared to today’s state of the art. The control system’s complexity will increase – which poses a major chal- lenge when trying to define requirements in a vendor-neutral manner.

The aim of this doctoral project is to (further) develop methods and tools to assess the DC-side (control) stability with the help of partially open controls of HVDC converters. To address the increased complexity and additional degrees of freedom, not only methods based on classical control theory, but also approaches considering state-space representation shall be investigated and compared to existing options. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate which parts are required and/or suitable to be open in a partially open approach. Different control modes (grid-forming and grid-following, etc.) shall be considered, as well as prospective (large) inductors used for DC-side protection.


Academic: TU Delft, Dr. Aleksandra Lekić, 3 months, purpose: deepen knowledge about digital simulation

Industrial: 50Hertz, 3-6 months, Cornelius Heck, purpose: refine developed assessment methodology based on industry input

Motivation to work in Inter-oPEn

The Inter-oPEn project presents opportunities for researchers to apply their knowledge and contribute to a sustainable power grid. I am committed to achieving resilient and flexible power systems through High Voltage Technology.

